Recognizing that the traditional separation of professionals
and educators into disconnected fields of specialization has
led to destructive social and environmental policies, Fritjof
Capra (The Tao of Physics, The Turning Point) and a core of
leading thinkers and activists founded the Elmwood Institute in
l984. The Institute has functioned primarily as an ecological
think tank, applying systems thinking to the understanding and
solution of current social, economic, and environmental
problems. The Institute publishes a journal, the Elmwood
Quarterly, and has sponsored ground-breaking international
conferences and invitational symposia resulting in publications
and special reports.
The Center for Ecoliteracy
is promoted in two main areas, business and education.
The programs of the Center for Ecoliteracy are based
on the premise that ignorance of the principles of ecology, of
the "language of nature," is one of the root causes of the
economic and social crises of our time--including the crises in
business and in our schools--and that we will continue to create
these crises until we become ecologically literate.
As defined by the Institute, ecological literacy consists of
systems thinking, knowledge of the principles of ecology, and
the practice of ecological values.
The functions of Elmwood's Center for Ecoliteracy include:
Research and Program Development
Ecoliteracy Pilot Schools
Network--The Alliance for Ecoliteracy
Resource Center and Clearinghouse
Professional Development
Materials Development
Eco-Action Projects
A New Context for Educational Reform
The Center for Ecoliteracy responds to the nationwide
educational crisis with an interdisciplinary effort by
ecologists and educators to collaborate in the design,
implementation, evaluation and dissemination of an ecological
model for school restructuring. Fundamental to this strategy's
success is the participation of all stakeholders--teachers,
administrators, parents, students, business and community
members. Pilot demonstration projects and a network of
participating schools, The Alliance for Ecoliteracy, will
demonstrate the effectiveness of a model for school
restructuring that provides a functional awareness of
ecological principles, experiences which relate these
For more information write, call or fax:
The Elmwood Institute
2522 San Pablo Avenue
Berkeley, CA 94702
Phone: (510)845-4595
Fax: (510) 845-1439.
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