sábado, 27 de março de 2010

Manejo - Planning

Participate in the definition and implementation of local management plans coordinate with existing policies relavant actors

Provide option for tourist participant in the local volunteers activities designated conservation
Role of businessman participant that promoter , coordinator facilitator
Focus in plan according
Trie to bring advice to the local ( opinião das pessoas locais)
Reduce cost from local materials

Local cooks , look staff
We have to monitor , and maintain
With low money
Agencies , internet
Marketing depends on the area
Take account
Cost reduction
Pro address
To realize
Issue everything between highway to mountain
Limits all facilities
Service high quality
Small community fenology
Know how de acordo com qualquer entrepeneurs
Zoning to distinguish areas
Rural zones /hotel zones /visitation zones /condominium /zone forest zone

Guide association should change their personal staff
Each night then is a cultural program changing experience among cross culture , because when I tourist or couple

Preliminary consideration

Impacts on the physical environmetal abiotic soil water air biotc vegetation animals
Carrings capacity and concept
Physical planning
Socio economics cultural and political contest
Business and financing considerations
Day by day operation
Marketing and promotion
Interpretation training , extension, education
Evaluation monitoring

Global considerations
Tourism and environmentals policies
Ecolodge microcosm relationship to global resource
International borders
Impacting visitors and local people
Common trees of planning among countries and government
Global categorization of parts and reserves
Businees management with the travel industry

Erros de digitação em inglês desculpe!

Turismo Ambiental

Management issues

Provide jobs jobs for community
Ownwer operator
Ecomind set by operator
Focus on environmental awareness
Land first protection
Guest second
Manager has ownwer share

Guidelines for ecolodge

Land first land and culture

Educate ecovisitor
Integrate experience natural resources
At least the ecotourism new industry style the light industry that was created in pollution
Design implicate to natural environmental education
Every site is unique no comparison to other site
Acess advice is prior
No separation between man and nature
Protection of place
Connect visitor
Worry about man technology
Show guest process facility
Demonstrate educate
Interpretation into area plan
Coach inlcluding
Zoning monitoring , controlling
Reclaim land natural resouces
Show guest process and facilities demonstration show
Inventory , baseline data – flora and fauna
Strategy methodology for conservation
Participants are actors
Importance of policy
Cost is autority

Turismo Ambiental - Conceitos e Design

Design Considerations
1. Respect for topgraphy : slopes, soil, trees, air, occupation
2. Low impact, building materials products
3. Limited o of rooms for more control atteption
4. orientation for natural lighting
5. provide space activities for environmental education
6. involve guests in food preparation
7. local culture folklore
8. recycling material choices
9. involve people science
10. local owern ships management
11. reponsable waste managewment
12. reforestation reclaimation

Design impacts

Life safety issues , code
Health food preparation
Renewable energy
Appropriate design nature culture
Connection to natural resources
Sense of place
Local material

Environmmenatl impacts

Zoning analysis planning
Maximize self sufficiency
Complete cycle
Monitor environmental change
Baseline guidelines
Enforcement controls

Monitor cultural
Road infrastructure
Social disruption
Maximize cultural benefits
Local econnimcs
Cultural contact tradition
Prepare educate operator tourist
Preserve regional heritage
Cultural sensitivity training
Encourage pride sense of place